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Item Information

snippet: To provide part of the transportation dataset that is maintained by the City of Chesapeake. Streets data originated from digitized Mylar maps and have been maintained from plats and cad files.
summary: To provide part of the transportation dataset that is maintained by the City of Chesapeake. Streets data originated from digitized Mylar maps and have been maintained from plats and cad files.
extent: [[-76.534225882239,36.5367360811983],[-76.0580145146587,36.8774170170008]]
accessInformation: City of Chesapeake, IT-GIS
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The City's street centerlines as vector lines. VDOT_Rank field uses: LOS-LOCAL, COL-COLLECTOR, ARP-ARTERIAL PRIMARY, ARM-ARTERIAL MINORTYPE_ field uses: Street type follows U.S. Postal standardsLEFT_IS and RIGHT_IS fields use: O-odd numbers, E-even numbers, B- both odd and even numbersONEWAY field: BI- bidirectional, FT- From-to, TF- To-from
licenseInfo: None
title: Streets
type: Map Service
tags: ["centerline","transportation","roads","street","Chesapeake VA","Information Technology"]
culture: en-US
name: Streets
guid: A5F55453-A2AF-479A-AA89-456D896085CA
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Virginia_South_FIPS_4502_Feet