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Item Information

snippet: Zoning of property within the City.
summary: Zoning of property within the City.
extent: [[-76.4979798747208,36.5444131942686],[-76.0599174130477,36.8691861330303]]
accessInformation: Chesapeake VA, Planning Department
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>A digital representation of the zoning for the City of Chesapeake. Zoning information does not have to follow parcel boundaries and a parcel may have multiple different zones. The class field is used to determine the correct zoning information for a given area. If an rea has an approved rezoning application (since 1999) the APPNO and date field will contain the Application number and the date the application was approved by City Council. Proffers is a yes / no field to determine if a rezoning included cash proffers as part of the application. Proffer_SC(Schools), ProfferFI(Fire/ ems), ProfferLI(Library) and ProfferRO(Roads) will contain the monetary ammount proffered to each service for the application. ProfferXP is any extra proffer information included such as acres dedicated to roads instead of monetary value or explaining the cash ammount is per unit or total for the project. If it is a residential rezoning LOT_Total will include the total number of units allowed for the rezoning.Class breakdown:A-1 = agricultureAC = assembly centerB- = Commercial - the different number represent different allowable commerical usesC- = conservationM- = Industrial - the different numbers represent different allowable industrial usesMXD-U = mixed UseO-I = office - instituionalPUD - Planned Use Development - breakdown of the PUD is located in planningR- = residential - the different numbers and letters represent different square footage requirements for the lots* The GIS zoning is not adopted by council as the official zoning. The official zoning is the paper map books located in the planning department.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
licenseInfo: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><P><SPAN>The GIS zoning is not adopted by council as the official zoning. The official zoning is the paper map books located in the planning department.</SPAN></P></DIV>
title: Zoning
type: Map Service
tags: ["Chesapeake VA","Zoning","Planning","Boundaries"]
culture: en-US
name: Zoning
guid: 3C12A203-2C7D-4106-96F6-E1DC9630C521
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Virginia_South_FIPS_4502_Feet